Friday, March 8, 2013

I Love My Job.

Some days are difficult, sometimes I wonder if I'm going to have to live in a crazy house when I get old, sometimes I want to pull my hair out, but most days... I love my job. 
These kids are hysterical.  I don't have any biological children but I can surely tell you I have 18 children.  18 children that I see every day for 7 hours.  18 children that I love on, discipline, teach, help, encourage, and learn from.  18 children that make me feel like I am doing the best thing on Earth.  These 18 children each have their very own personality; they have quirks, they can be silly, and they can certainly be crazy. 

Getting to know my kiddos has been amazing.  Who else can say that they get to mold brains for a living?  Can anyone else say they laugh ALL day long-whether it be with the kids or at the silly things they do?  Tell me-do you have to hold back laughter at your job?  I do-these kids are hilarious. They make my day worth while.  They make me thankful for choosing this profession.  I.Love.My.Job.

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